Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Research Quotation

Govnt/Econ students,
Congratulations on starting down the difficult road of research and discovery. Today in class you were asked to find a quote from a book or article we obtained from the library. In this second Wednesday lab I would like you to find a second quote that answers the question on behalf of the individual you are researching (the person can change): "Is government necessary? Why or why not?" Please answer in the following format:

1. Your Name
2. Quote
3. Name of book or website you obtained the quote from (cannot be Wikipedia)
4. Explain how this quote answers the question: "Is government necessary? Why or why not?"

Please email me your answers: or post a "comment" in this blog.


  1. [1] Noemi
    [2] "In order to preserve the public good, the central function of government must be the protection of private property."
    [4] According to Locke, government is necessary so that they are the ones who protect the public from harm.

  2. AjeNe Drew

    Hobbes and his critics by John Bowle

    "All government, he insists, depends ultimately on consent, on public opinion. Even in absolute monarchies the King has to rely on the force of his subjects arms. And if he destroys the state, his subjects will resist him. How much the more a resistance is justified in a limited monarchy."

    In this quote he's saying that the peoples opinion matters and our opinions and votes have to go through the person in charge which would be the president. And if he sneaks and do things behind our backs then he will lose our trust. So yes, government is necessary because the government is what makes up our society.

  3. cindy Antone
    "Jefferson profoundly influenced the direction of American politics, inspiring generations of americans."

    Biography Resource Center.

    This quote explains that government is necessary because he influenced Americans to follow laws and people who are above them like politics, people who's on the Government side and who's supporting what the government say's is right. So yes Government is necessary to Thomas Jefferson.

  4. laura payton

    research quotes,

    Hobbes and his critics by john Bowle

    "They are all empathatic that Hobbes' arbitrary power would be precarious and consequently inefficient.Filmer remarks that hobbes' government would defeat it's own ends; it would result in conflict and so defeat the purpose of nature,self-preservation" pg.201

    -in this quote,it is a critic of somebody sayin that hobbes has taking his power to an extent that is unecessary and if he keep doing what he is doing, he would end up destroying the government along with his theory.
    This states that not only did he believe in having a government but his pholosiphy was to a point that soon people came to not agrreing this him.
    Hobbes took his power to a level that was not needed

  5. 1.Devante Walker

    2." First, then we must ascertain what are the kinds of things, good or bad, about which the political orator offers counel. For he does not deal with all things, but only with such as may or may not take place."

    3.Aristole II

    4.Goverment is nesscary, hust beacuse they don't deal with what you want them to that second. the needs of the geeral population come first.

  6. 1)Capriah Rochell

    2)"great pleas for freedom of speech and the press,for democracy,for majority rule,for the right of revolution,for the abolition of slavery,for -his everlasting phrase-"the right to life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness,"

    3)Thomas Jefferson:The Revoltionary Aristocrat

    4)My quote is neccessary for government because if we didnt have any of the stuff like freedom of spesch then many people wouldn't have a say so for anything,and the world would be a mess,cause wouldnt be able to speak there mind,etc.

  7. " I therefore call 'government' or 'supreme administration' the legitimate exercise of the executive power, and I call 'prince' or 'magistrate' the man or the body charged with that administration. It is government that we may discern those intermediary forces whose relations constitute those of all with all, or of the sovereign with the state. The government receives from the sovereign the orders which it gives to the people; and if the state is to be well balanced, it is necessary, all things being weighed, that the product of the power of the government multiplied by itself should equal the product or the power of the citizens who are sovereign in one sense and subjects in another" (Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. The Social Contract. New York, New York. Penguin Books (USA). 2006.)

    This quote says that government is necessary because it gives the people power.

  8. Maria Martinez

    my quote is about Thomas Hobbes.

    " To bring the people to obedience' is the object of writers of all schools. When resistance is preached, it is resistance to some authority regarded as subordinate. "

    This quote talks about the power of government towards the community. the people has to do wathever the law says and they had to follow directions from the government.

  9. 1. Zach Levine

    2. "The problem then is to find a form of association which "Will defend and protect the person and goods of each associate, yet in which each may still freely obey himself alone." The solution to this fundamental problem is the Social Contract"


    4.According to rousseau, people need protection for themselves and their property, but at the same time need freedom to do what they want. to him the answer is the social contract.

  10. Cleopatra Hudson
    "Our country is too large to have all its affairs directed by a single government. Public servants at such a distance, and from under the eye of their constituents, must, from the circumstance of distance, be unable to administer and overlook all the details necessary for the good government of the citizens; and the same circumstance, by rendering detection impossible to their constituents, will invite public agents to corruption, plunder and waste." Thomas Jefferson quotes. In this quote he doesn't feel that government is necessary just because one person shouldn't be able to rule a whole nation or question. He feels as if that is so unreal.

  11. 1. lonnie

    2. "It will be said that great societies cannot exist without government."


    4. this means that without some higher power telling you what's right and wrong then the society would fall.

  12. Jesus Martinez

    Thomas Jefferson

    1) "[I consider] ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man."

    because everyone has the right to chose there religion but they can chose there ethics too

  13. 1.Far7ouk
    2."The principles of the social contract, he insisted, were reducible to two: that sovereignty must rest in the hands of the people and that aristocratic is the best of all."
    3.Men and Citzens by Judith N. Shklar
    4.Jean-Jacques Rousseau believes that goverment is necessary and the more "stable" or the more stronger people should run the goverment.

  14. Cindy antone
    1.Resource Center
    2.Thomas jefferson Book
    3. thomas Hobbes Book
    I found this sources all at the libary.
