Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Research Paper Outline due Thursdsay 924

U.S. Government Research Paper Outline

Philosophers, Founding Fathers, is Government Necessary or Not?


I.     Introduction

A.  History of U.S. Government (how was it created, who founded it, what were driving principles?) 1 – 2 paragraphs

B.   Is Government Necessary or not, why or why not?  (This is your thesis statement, and must be answered in accordance with your Philosopher and Founding Father)  1 – 2 sentences


II.  Philosopher

A.  Who is your philosopher, and what context did he live in? 1-2 paragraphs

B.   Position of your philosopher on the necessity of government.  Quote to prove position. 1-2 paragraphs

C.   Connection to Founding Father with quote to prove connection. 1-2 paragraphs


III.         Founding Father

A.  Who is your Founding Father, and what context did he live in? 1-2 paragraphs

B.   Position of your Founding Father on the necessity of government.  Quote to prove position. 1-2 paragraphs

C.   Connection to Philosopher with quote to prove connection. 1-2 paragraphs




1 comment:

  1. I. Intro
    A.The federal government of the United States was created by the Constitution, which went into operation in 1789 when the first Congress convened and George Washington took the oath of office as president. The government is called federal because it was formed by a compact (the Constitution) among 13 political units (the states). These states agreed to give up part of their independence, or sovereignty, in order to form a central authority and submit themselves to it.,%20Part%20One&
    Locke's Second Treatise, by far, is the more influential work. In it, he set forth his theory of natural law and natural right; in it, he shows that there does exist a rational purpose to government and one need not rely on "myth, mysticism, and mystery." Against anarchy, Locke saw his job as one who must defend government as an institution. Locke's object was to insist not only that the public welfare was the test of good government and the basis for properly imposing obligations on the citizens of a country; but, also, that the public welfare made government necessary.
