Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lab #7 Research Paper Rough Draft 1 and SAT registration

Today please register for the SAT reasoning test on November 7th.

Also, please complete your Rough Draft #1 for Research Paper and turn in to folder in Digital Media or send as a Google Doc or email to Mrs. Spong:

Keep up the good work!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Research Paper Outline due Thursdsay 924

U.S. Government Research Paper Outline

Philosophers, Founding Fathers, is Government Necessary or Not?


I.     Introduction

A.  History of U.S. Government (how was it created, who founded it, what were driving principles?) 1 – 2 paragraphs

B.   Is Government Necessary or not, why or why not?  (This is your thesis statement, and must be answered in accordance with your Philosopher and Founding Father)  1 – 2 sentences


II.  Philosopher

A.  Who is your philosopher, and what context did he live in? 1-2 paragraphs

B.   Position of your philosopher on the necessity of government.  Quote to prove position. 1-2 paragraphs

C.   Connection to Founding Father with quote to prove connection. 1-2 paragraphs


III.         Founding Father

A.  Who is your Founding Father, and what context did he live in? 1-2 paragraphs

B.   Position of your Founding Father on the necessity of government.  Quote to prove position. 1-2 paragraphs

C.   Connection to Philosopher with quote to prove connection. 1-2 paragraphs




Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lab #5 NY Times Article / Research Paper Outline / Academic Seminar Catch-Up

Esteemed Seniors,
Today marks the 5th Wednesday lab of our school year. Congratulations to those who have not missed ONE session!!
For today, you have choice in how you spend your time.  
Your first priority is to finish your Research Paper Outline by Thursday's class.  

For one exemplar point, please read the New York Times article about 1st Amendment Rights and Dog fighting videos, a case about to go before the Supreme Court. you finish reading the article, please answer the questions below in an email to me, by writing in the comment session of this blog, or by creating a Google Doc (share it with me) with the answers:
1.  Tell me the Who, What, When, Where, Why of this article.
2.  Do you believe imprisonment for creating the video is a violation of 1st Amendment Rights?  Why or why not?
3.  How do you think this relates to the precedent law regarding child pornography?  Explain your answer.
4.  What do you personally think about dog fighting?  Should it be legal?  Do you know anyone who participates in dog fights?  Should the government be involved?  Explain your answers fully.

If you finish early (before 2:30pm, when this lab is over), please finish typing your letter to your Advisor (was due Thurs 9/17), and/or register for the SAT II if you were asked to do so by Ilene.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lab #4 ACT, letter to Advisor, and Reading Notes

First, please register for the ACT using:
Second, please complete your Government Homework following directions below
Third please complete your letter to advisor and email to your advisor (;;

Read the packet handed out in class today "Chapter 13 Constitutional Freedoms."
  • For each section 1 - 5, write at least 2 summary bullet points or notes to summarize key idea or fact from that section. Keep in mind the idea of compromise between individual rights and group rights and individual rights vs. individual responsibilities.
  • For example, set up your page:
Section 1 - Constitutional Rights

Section 2 - Freedom of Religion

Section 3 - Freedom of Speech

Section 4 - Freedom of the Press

Section 5 - Freedom of Assembly
  • You may write this in the comment section of this blog, or email me or create a google doc and share it with me.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lab #3 Quote Analysis Sheet

Please complete the paper handout of the "Quote Analysis Sheet" for the quote you are using for your first paragraph (due Thursday). Paragraph should be written in spiral notebook.

Please turn in Quote Analysis Sheet to Chris or put in Mrs. Spong's room to complete your lab.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Research Quotation

Govnt/Econ students,
Congratulations on starting down the difficult road of research and discovery. Today in class you were asked to find a quote from a book or article we obtained from the library. In this second Wednesday lab I would like you to find a second quote that answers the question on behalf of the individual you are researching (the person can change): "Is government necessary? Why or why not?" Please answer in the following format:

1. Your Name
2. Quote
3. Name of book or website you obtained the quote from (cannot be Wikipedia)
4. Explain how this quote answers the question: "Is government necessary? Why or why not?"

Please email me your answers: or post a "comment" in this blog.